
Showing posts from April, 2022

IKONIC - Create and Sell your NFTs seamlessly thanks to our cutting edge tech & integrations.

  About iKONIC iKONIC will enable fans to own and share the best moments in esports history and will provide multi-million dollar esports events and businesses that are growing rapidly as new ways to connect with their audience. Video clips of the craziest and most spectacular game achievements are easy to print to NFT with just a few clicks. And with one or two more clicks, they will be registered and ready to trade on the iKONIC market. Creators can design these NFTs to pay royalties for life or even generate an entirely new revenue stream through the sale of sublicense rights. And all of this is just the beginning! iKONIC will not only be another NFT marketplace. It would be a community—a movement. The iKONIC community's passion for gaming is a tremendous force, and we'll help them use it to do great things. Together, we will: Create a platform for an entirely new business model—one that will encourage and support the new, exciting, innovative game title: Game as a Service.

SeasonalTokens - The first crypto intended to make repetitive exchanging beneficial

What are Seasonal Tokens? Seasonal Token is a local area driven project that intends to make it simpler for organizations to remunerate their important clients. We are attempting to make our foundation open to all organizations that have client faithfulness programs. With our venture, everybody can have their own steadfastness token, which can be utilized on different stages or changed over into other famous cryptographic forms of money. Local area is the way in to the progress of any task. This is the reality. Also, that is a reality that the Seasonal Token group values. Since we genuinely accept that the local area will assist us with succeeding, we chose to make a Seasonal Token - a token that the local area can use to decide in favor of our next project. Advantages of Seasonal Tokens Four Tokens - There are four tokens like the four seasons in nature - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They're created by mining and can utilized for ranch. Mining controls the relative stockpil